Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thanks and Reflections

I saw this on In Good Faith and felt it would be a positive outlet for me to get thoughts about the previous post off my mind. Please ignore my horrible spelling in last night's post, I was frustrated, tired and did not spell check or grammar check it before posting. Thank you to Preppy 101 at All Things Southern and Preppy, Polka Dots & Protein Bars, Tara at Jimmy Choos & Tennis Shoes for offering advice and words of encouragement! I know that ignoring the situation is the best thing to do; thank goodness it is the end of the semester y'all or I would just cry in frustration over it all, but I ma too busy studying and working to allow her to get to me on that level, thank goodness! However, I have removed pictures and the about me section for now, just in case she stumbles upon here before school is out. . . This summer everything will be updated and back again though! ♥

I Am: a strong, loving, Christian, and I know that through prayer and a relationship with Christ Jesus, all things are possible.

I Want: to have the courage to stand up for myself when need be, but know when ignoring a situation or bowing out gracefully is the best way to handle it - in all aspects of my life

I Have: an amazing family and support system that are there for me; I now there is a difference between true friends and friendly acquaintances. . .

I Wish: that I did not place so much emphasis on how others regard me; I am a people pleaser and love to take care of other people, before I take care of myself. . .

I Fear: being alone and failure are my biggest and most rational fears, but I also really hate needles and holes; Swiss cheese and sponges freak me out!

I Hear: laughter and kind words, and know that I have friends who love me and will support me

I Search: for ways to share God's love through my actions and words, but not in an overt and obvious way. . .

I Wonder: what the future holds and what our Lord has in store for me

I Regret: nothing; I see no reason to regret a decision that was made with the best of intentions at the time. . .

I Love: laughter, music, the beauty of the natural world and the joy and love that God has brought into my life!

I Always: stress over everything; probably why my UC is so bad. . .

I Usually: start and end my day with praise and thanksgiving; even when I'm grouchy or not feeling it, because I have learned through the years that even when you have no one else to turn to who understands, God has been with you through it all and been there the whole time, so I always want to let him know I'm thankful for everything he has done for me

I Am Not: the most patient person, nor the most careful about how I sound when I talk; I talk a lot, and sometimes things come out of my mouth the wrong way. . .

I Dance: in the car, around my room, in the kitchen with my Mama and when I'm with friends

I Sing: in the shower, in the car, at work, in my room, walking down the street, in church; I sing a lot!

I Never: could imagine what not knowing God is like; he has been the center of my life for as long as I can remember and made the horrible middle school years bearable!

I Rarely: am alone. . . or quiet

I Cry: when I'm happy more often than when I'm sad. . .

I Am Not Always: patient, but I'm working on it as best I can. . . or focused; again, I'm working on it. . .

I Need: to work on my relationship with myself and with my Savior, before I can worry about my relationship with silly, gossipy sorority girls


theluckiestmrs said...

Check out my blog...You're TAGGED!! ;)
p.s. where've you been? we miss your posts!

Tara Gibson said...

you are welcome : ) Stay strong girl!

ps. yes the bachelorette is nuts, and i cant stop watching either haha

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

I am now getting around to checking out some blogs. and I want to say I love what and how you wrote about yourself.

And thank you for peeking in at mine :o)
Blessings & Aloha!

Unknown said...

My name is Patricia Neely-Dorsey. I am from Tupelo,MS and the author of Reflections of a Mississipi Magnolia-A Life in Poems.
I have been enjoying reading your blog and was wondering if you might possibly feature my book on your blog to introduce my book to your readers.

Patricia Neely Dorsey's Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life in Poems is "a true celebration of the south and things southern." The author states , "There are so many negative connotations associated with Mississippi and the south in general. In my book, using childhood memories, personal thoughts and dreams, I attempt to give a positive glimpse into the southern way of life. In my book I try to show that there is much is more to Mississippi and the south than all of the negatives usually portrayed .I invite readers to Meet Mississippi (and the south) Through Poetry ,Prose and The Written Word."

If you want a glimpse of Southern life,
Come close and walk with me;
I'll tell you all the simple things,
That you are sure to see.
You'll see mockingbirds and bumblebees,
Magnolia blossoms and dogwood trees,
Caterpillars on the step,
Wooden porches cleanly swept;
Watermelons on the vine,
Strong majestic Georgia pines;
Rocking chairs and front yard swings,
Junebugs flying on a string;
Turnip greens and hot cornbread,
Coleslaw and barbecue;
Fried okra, fried corn, fried green tomatoes,
Fried pies and pickles too.
There's ice cold tea that's syrupy sweet,
And cool, green grass beneath your feet;
Catfish nipping in the lake,
And fresh young boys on the make.
You'll see all these things
And much, much more,
In a way of life that I adore.
Copyright 2008 Patricia Neely-Dorsey
from Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life In Poems
