Sunday, April 26, 2009


What is your current obsession? I don't have one in all honesty. . .
What do you think your name says about you? Sarah means "princess of God" and my middle name, Elizabeth, means "God is my oath"; my parents gave me the same initials (SEG) as my Daddy, and gave me my middles name in honor of my Daddy's Mama. Both names are strong names, rooted in religious meaning; my parents gave each of us children strong, solid, Biblical names.
Who was the last person you hugged? my amazing boyfriend
What’s your favorite dinner? steak, grilled mushrooms, asparagus, a fresh garden salad
What was the last thing you bought? i ordered pizza for boyfriend and I last night, and did a "finals prep" Walmart shopping trip with my friend Crystal on Friday evening
What are you listening to right now? House, boyfriend is watching it in the living room
What is your favorite weather? hot, hot, hot!
What is your least favorite season? snow, it lasts from October through June in Montana. . . and it's sporadic. . . i like snow from thanksgiving weekend through mid-February, after that. . . i am NOT a fan!
What's in your bathroom cabinet? i live in a dorm. . .
What is your favorite tea flavor? my Mama's homemade sweet tea, hands down. Hot tea - chai green tea, yumm!
What did you want to become as a child? I had many ambitions; a marine biologist, an astronaut, a pediatrician, a teacher, secretary of state, a counselor. . .
What do you miss? my family
What's your favorite brand of jeans? i wear american eagle jeans because they're cheap and wear well. . .
What's your favorite dessert? fruit salad
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? the beach would be nice. . .
Who would you want to meet in person? oh, wow, another long list. a woman at the top is Condaleeza Rice and a gentleman at the top is Colin Powell, but the list is VERY long!
What is your most challenging goal right now? finding the motivation to finish this semester. . . I am so disinterested in the majority of my classes right now. . .
What’s your 5 year plan? well, I have 2 more years of undergrad. . . so, applying for a graduate program in marriage and family therapy, volunteering as a CASA, enjoying life and working with children in some regard. . .
Why is today special? every day is special
What is my favorite sport to watch?
football, hands down. I also really enjoy watching my younger brother play baseball and I love watching swimming, gymnastics and cheer/dance competitions
To play? volleyball and swimming, I also like softball and soccer when we're not being competitive
What is your favorite piece of jewelry that you own? I love the pearl bracelet my ex-boyfriend bought me for high school graduation