Monday, February 8, 2010

Fundraising Success!!! :)

So this past Saturday was our annual Special Olympics Montana (SOMT) Polar Plunge in association with the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR), better known as the Super Grizzly Dip and we raised over $37,000! Our athletes who attended were so excited and we had such a great community turnout for the event! It made me so happy to know that in a time of limited giving to non-profits due to an economic lull that so much was raised to help a disadvantaged population of our society. I also plan to plunge myself next year instead of just helping plan and run the event; I'll do that too, but I want to plunge and put together a team next year! I think my sorority sisters would have fun doing this event because we're all so silly and outrageous in the funny things we do to amuse ourselves! I think it would fun to get other Greeks involved too, so we'll see!

What did y'all do this weekend? Anything fun?