Saturday, June 19, 2010

in L-♥-V-E!

Hey y'all!

DC is amazing! I am so thankful for the opportunity to be here, and still so very much in love with this beautiful city on the Potomac. So much has changed here in 10 years, but the changes and my new life perspective have only made the city more magical to me.

While here, I have tried to soak in as much as I can, and plan to continue to do so until I fly to CO on July 31. I walked the monuments at night my first night in town, saw Marine 1 bring the President home, went to the Supreme Court, explored both the Air and Space museum and the American History museum. I have attended briefings, hearings, lectures, written press releases and helped out in whatever capacity I can in the office. I am an amazing tour guide (or so I've been told) and always receive positive feedback on my tours from both the constituents and staff. Personally, I love giving tours; it's the history nerd in me I guess.

This weekend my Aunt Paula and her daughter Haleigh are taking the Amtrack into town - I'm so excited to see them! It's been 10 years since I've seen them and cannot wait to catch p on life and spend time with my godmama!

I'll try to update more frequently, as I want a record of all my amazing summer stories and adventures.

What have y'all been up to this summer?


Sarah Wyland said...

Sounds like you are having a wonderful summer! I grew up a couple hours outside of DC and still love touring the area even though I've seen it all before - love all the history and symbolism!

My summer is fantastic. I'm surrounded by boys with guitars. :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

It sounds like you've been having an amazing time!

AMS said...

YAY so glad you love DC!!!